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NIS - Neurological Integration System


Advanced Clinical Massage

Treatment options may include: Orthopaedic Testing, Advanced Soft Tissue & Deep Tissue Massage Techniques, Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy, Muscle Energy Testing, Intra-Oral Therapy, Medical Cupping, Acupressure, Dry Needling, Sports/Rehab Stretching, Rehab Exercises, Kinesiology Taping and Health & Wellbeing Lifestyle Advice

Advanced Sports Therapy

Treatment options may include: Orthopaedic Testing, Advanced Soft Tissue & Deep Tissue Massage Techniques, Sports/Rehab Stretching, Dry Needling, Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy, Muscle Energy Testing, Intra-Oral Therapy, Medical Cupping, Acupressure, Rehab Exercises and Exercise Advice, Kinesiology Taping and Health & Wellbeing Lifestyle Advice

Lymphatic Drainage

Your first visit Lymphatic Drainage Massage treatment includes an Initial Consultation, medical history, before we continue onto your hands-on treatment which forms part of your assessment. All treatments, including follow-ons last 1hr.


Neuro represents primarily the Brain but the entire nervous system including the spinal cord and nerves. James primary goal to is normalise brain function and allow the nervous system to return to optimum function. This allows the body to work in homeostasis as it should and heal itself. Osteo represents the bones/skeletal system. Myology represents the muscular system that moves and supports the skeletal system. James works on the fact that ‘structure precedes function’. By finding the root cause of a problem, not just treating a symptom, and restoring function to the skeletal and muscular system directly affects and improves and normalises brain function. Health issues are all caused by stress; Physical, Chemical and emotional. By addressing all of these within your consultation, diagnosis and care James is able to help you as a wholistic practitioner to ensure optimum wellbeing of the whole person, not just temporary symptomatic relief. By working in this way James is able to not only help you relieve your pain and symptoms, but is able to help you regain and maintain your health and wellbeing as a whole.

NeuroOsteoMyologist Neuro represents primarily the Brain but the entire nervous system including... Read More

Charlie Lowry-Corry is an Advanced Clinical Massage & Sports Therapist, having obtained the UK’s highest degree-level massage qualification (BTEC Level 6) from the prestigious Jing Institute of Advanced Massage Training.

Integrating her extensive health and wellness knowledge (which includes other manual therapy, Pilates and movement modalities), Charlie prides herself on supporting her patients with a variety of aches, pains and conditions, by using outcome-based, scientifically-backed techniques to get results.

As Stanmore’s only degree-level massage practitioner, Charlie encourages and empowers her patients to be in the driving seat of their recovery, and help them return to their daily-activities, pain-free.

Charlie Lowry-Corry is an Advanced Clinical Massage & Sports Therapist, having obtained the U... Read More

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Restor Health Stanmore - Stanmore Clinic
Located at: 37 Stanmore Hill, Suite 2 - Office on the Hill, Stanmore
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